您好!派美铝业邀您共享质感生活,2014-策马扬鞭,全新厂房,300平米奢华旗舰展厅,为您私人定制!多款独创!首款高低下轨不锈钢包道,美观耐磨,消音防水、定制密封型。独创双色格条最新至尊色系尽显华丽。多款新品现已上市震动行业风暴!独创铸造典范。巅峰销售团队全程为您提供贴心的服务。倾情为您打造专属大牌风范。财富之门即将为您开启…请稍后….(英文)Ladies and Gentlemen,thanks for your attention! We’re the Chinese authority brand for sliding doors “Paimei aluminum”. We have a new plant in 2014, there’s a 300 square meters of Elegant showroom,private customized for you! Our the latest surface color must arouse your feelings.Lots of new product has shock on the market!Our professional sales team will provide perfect pre-sale and after-sale service.To make the exclusive brand style for you!Looking forward to your choice for our win-win cooperation!
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